My Journey
Hi, I'm Jasmine and I am the owner, operator, visionary and creator here at The Zero Point. The Zero Point began growing its roots in 2015, selling healing crystal jewelry on Etsy. A passion project which has evolved from years of research and interest in holistic health and wellness. Overtime I questioned the ethics around mining and the impact of the increased popularity of crystal healing. This shift lead me to reflect on my relationship with nature and where I developed my interest and skills in herbalism. I later found Reiki and I decided to pursue the career I had always dreamt of in holistic health, through practicing Jikiden Reiki, the Traditional Japanese practice of Reiki. Over the Summer and Fall of 2021 I completed training courses with the wonderful Mari Okazaki. Becoming a certified Reiki Practioner in Jikiden Reiki Shoden (level 1) and Okuden (level 2). I am beyond thrilled to be able to now offer you in-person and distance treatments and hope to help you with whatever physical or mental barrier you face.

The Zero Point Wellness
Natural Health and Wellness
Our goal is to promote a natural approach to healing the mind and body.
Jikiden Reiki is more than a relaxing therapy, it targets the body as a whole. Reiki is a holistic approach as opposed to western medicine, which treats the symptoms, leaving the issue unresolved. Complimenting conventional medical practices, allowing them to be more effective, it is a safe and holistic healing modality.
Get in touch to find out more.
Rei ki; "Universal Life Force Energy"
Jikiden Reiki is the Traditional Japanese practice of Reiki. Known as "Shinshin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho" it is a simple, uncomplicated approach compared to Western Reiki most are familiar with. Reiki is a physical therapeutic treatment where the practitioner uses their hands to channel Universal Healing Energy into the recipient, allowing the body to relax and engage its natural healing ability. It is not a spiritual or religious practice but because its roots lay in ancient Japanese Traditions, you will notice the influence of the Shinto, a traditional Japanese Religion based in a connection to nature. Learn more by visiting the official Jikiden Reiki website.
As a recipient of Reiki you can expect to feel extremely relaxed. Receiving Reiki will assist your body to return to The Zero Point, where your bodies circulatory and other regulatory systems are activated to work at their highest potential, allowing you to heal and feel your best. As a Reiki practitioner, I do not claim to heal you but, I can help your body so that it can heal itself, as the body naturally does.
An added benefit to the practice of Jikiden Reiki is the impact on nature and medical waste reduction. The hope is that we can help people heal naturally and live healthier lives, minimizing the need for chemicals and waste associated with the pharmaceutical industry.
Natural Healing Products
I have always had an interest in natural health and remedies. I have worked with plant materials studying herbalism for 10+ years. Over time I became more aware of the impact of this industry on our Earth; from the time it takes to produce the plants, to the impact on the soil quality and how large quantities of water are redirected from people in need. Our products, such as the Mystical Mists were created with this in mind.
Handmade by Jasmine in small batches, the Mystical Mists are intended to help the world to heal through a cycle beginning with Self Love, inspired by the great visionary Buckminster Fuller. Our products are all created with this loving intention. From selecting the ingredients, to the colours and scents, as well as the packaging and hand designed labels that highlight the healing vibes!
We choose to use floral water as a sustainable option. Floral water is created through the production of essential oils. It is gentler form of aromatherapy and has a lot of benefits (see facts). By using floral water, we are using less plant material while producing greater results, a concept inspired by Buckminster Fuller called Ephemeralization
Who is Buckminster Fuller and, why do you keep referencing him?
​Buckminster Fuller was a great visionary who planted the seeds for a better future. He was an intellectual futurist who invented the Geodesic Dome and other scientific concepts. The Zero Point is inspired by his vision for our Earth to support ALL living things. He believed that "all of humanity now has the option to "make it" successfully and sustainably, by virtue of having our minds, discovering principles and being able to employ these principles to do more with less" - Operation Manual for Spaceship Earth, Buckminster Fuller
The Zero Point is represented by a geometric structure, the cuboctahedron. It is ”the most primary geometric energy array in the cosmos, it is the zero starting point for all happenings and non-happenings; it is the empty theatre and empty circus and empty universe ready to accommodate any act and any audience”
- Buckminster Fuller
It is the zero point from which all forms emerge;
that internal space where we find balance and create magic
Thank you, I hope you find yourself at, The Zero Point
With love, Jasmine

Our Services
Jikiden Reiki
Distance Treatment
Jikiden Reiki is the Traditional Japanese practice of Reiki. Receive treatment within the comfort of your own home. The practitioner uses their hands to channel Universal Healing Energy to the recipient, allowing the body to relax and engage its natural healing ability
Apothecary &
Mystical Mists
Handmade by Jasmine in small batches, the Mystical Mists and Natural Bath and Body products are thoughtfully curated. We craft with loving intention and use sustainable, natural, quality ingredients so you can feel good about, feeling good!